Sticking Hands 3 - Drills

Here are some basic sticking hands drills for the beginner

Here is one program from 1989 out of many that we tried:

Learn the Little Idea form
1. Single Sticking Hands
2. Lap sau - Grabbing hand
3. Pak sau - Slapping hand
4. Fook sau - Controlling hand
5. Bong sau - Wing hand
6. Biu sau - Poking hand
7. Jum sau - Sinking hand
Rolling hands
1. Rolling + changing
2. Rolling + Pak sau every cycle
3. Rolling + Lap sau every cycle
4. Rolling + Jum sau every cycle
5. Rolling + Biu sau every cycle


Sticking Hand Drills

1. single sticking hands
2. Rolling hands
3. Rolling + one technique alternate turns
4. Sentences or combination techniques
5. Free style

Humor - Master Ken’s improvement to the Lap Sau drill

Master Ken is well known for his comedic presentation of martial arts. He is a real Kempo Karate teacher but he makes light of all the martial arts including his own. When learning, enjoy your art, don’t get too hung up on who is the best and who can beat up who and whether or to criticize some art that you know nothing about. In this episode Master Ken talks about his improvements to the famous Wing Chun Lap Sau (grabbing hand exercise).