Martial Arts and Aging
There is no guarantee that martial arts can make you live longer. We can only hope or the best. But some of my teachers were still teaching in their 90’s and my Tai Chi teacher Master Raymond Chung taught until age 105. Classical Martial arts are something that you can do all your life.
Jack Lee and Master Raymond Chung in the 1970’s.
Tai Chi and Wing Chun
We also teach Tai Chi as a supplement for our Wing Chun program. I find that the Tai Chi helps in the relaxation, smoothness and flow of Wing Chun. If you understand both arts then you will actually see close relationship between both martial arts.
We find that Tai Chi is a pretty good link between Wing Chun and the MMA style grappling or Iranian type of wrestling or army combat type of take-downs. Tai Chi also has all the kicking, punching and joint locking but it is more in the grappling end of the spectrum.
So I look at Tai Chi and Wing Chun like the Yin and the Yang where Tai Chi represents the Yin and Wing Chun the Yang. Sometimes Wing Chun practitioners are a little too robotic and have no clue about the grappling world. Tai Chi is an easy way to learn something about this other world and also helps in the relaxation and is something you can do for a lifetime for health reasons when you no longer can do those high flying kicks or fight 20 people at a time. age seems to catch up with everyone.
When my Hung style teacher was in his 60’s, he told me that he should have started learning Tai Chi but he never did. He still kept teaching Hung style until he was in his 90’s. My Tai Chi teacher Master Raymond Chung was still teaching Tai Chi until age 105.
In our senior level of Wing Chun, we like our students to not be too narrow minded and understand also other arts. But when they are beginners, one art is plenty to concentrate on.
If you look at various Wing Chun schools then you will see that more and more schools are also incorporating Tai Chi into their programs including Europe’s largest Wing Chun organization that goes by the brand name of WT. For weapons most also incorporate Escrima or Arnis. These days MMA, wrestling and Judo ideas are also drifting into the Wing Chun art at the advanced levels because that is a weakness in wing Chun which usually did not show up in street, police or military combat..
One of our best ever female students Yvette Wong from the 1980’s whose Wing Chun was actually praised by Wong Shun Leung, the main teacher of Bruce Lee, started out with our Tai Chi program and did lots of pushing hands. This helped her to relax and cope with a room full of tough martial arts guys who all were proficient in various martial arts in the 1980’s.
One martial arts master when he did Wing Chun with her said “I thought I used to know how to fight.” He had a hard time handling her stuff.
We produced a Tai Chi tape just to teach the basics of the Yang style Tai Chi form in 1987. We got good reviews about this tape and it sold more than 200,000 copies in the USA. We are currently remaking this tape and want to produce the rest of he series. Also we will come out with downloadable Wing Chun videos, eBooks and DVDs as well. Those are our ambitious goals.
See to order this video.
After the amazing success of the 2019 camp, I'm excited to announce that I'm now taking bookings for THE MARTIAL CAMP 2020 which will be held in Chaing Mai Thailand, in January 2020. I have personally designed and organized every detail of the event, so you are guaranteed to receive an unforgettable experience and the highest quality of martial arts tuition available.