Wing Chun training starts with learning the 108 movement form called the “Little Idea Form.” A lot of the Wing Chun literature and You Tube videos use the Cantonese name for this form so if you are searching the web then type in “Siu Nim Tao” or “Siu Lim Tao.”
Above is one of my versions of the form. We were asked to do the form in less than a minute for as Chinese New Year show so I was practicing a quicker version. The slow version of the form can take 30 minutes to do and nobody likes to watch that. Totally boring. Wing Chun is not an art for nice looking forms. My form characteristics has changed over the years. This is my version at age 74.
Below is Master Wong Shun Leung’s version of the form. Master Wong Shun Leung was mostly Bruce Lee’s teacher. There is also a version of the form done when Ip Man was old and already quite ill so it is slightly different from what he taught Wong Shun Leung but both are good to look at.