The ladies Wing Chun club hosted the five day 10 hours a day instructor course in the late 1980’s
We offer classes for every level of student.
Classes are open to male or female ages 14 years and up. There is no upper age limit.
We cater to everyone from those wanting to learn the classical art, to those who want some health and fitness and also enjoy learning something as a social activity and to those who are really serious about street self defense for their home or travelling security.
Our students have included people male and female from all walks of life including many who already had several extensive training in other martial arts.
We still hold and have held instructor courses for teachers of other martial arts who wanted to add Wing Chun to their primary martial art in order to round out their skills.
We have taught Wing Chun students who already learned most of the art but were just missing a few pieces and perhaps no longer had a teacher.
Our instructor courses teach all the Wing Chun forms and their applications, the sticking hands, the distance training and weapons.
Instruction includes Siu Lim Tao, Chun Kiu, Biu Jee, Wooden Dummy, Live dummy, Spear, Butterfly knife, Chi sau, distance and ground techniques and also elements of other arts such as Escrima, Tai Chi and Iranian ground combat to supplement the classical training.
Beginner Training
The beginner level of training covers the first 108 movement form. This form is the only form you need to know the basics of Wing Chun self defense.
This form teaches the student to have a very firm yet flexible stance. It teaches the center-line concept and to always relax in order to issue very explosive unpredictable attacks.
Intermediate Level Training
The intermediate level of training concentrates on a training method called sticking hands.
Sticking hands basically tells you what to do once in contact with an opponent. Sticking hands develops very fast hand techniques which cannot easily be blocked by someone not familiar with close range combat.
However to apply the sticking hand technique, one must also learn how to bridge the gap between you and the opponent.
Against a skilled martial artist of any style this part itself could take many many years. Against an average person who is not a fighter, this is not so difficult.
Advanced Level Training
The advanced level of training is for those people who really would like to train the more realistic aspects of Wing Chun for street self defense or for those people who really want to learn the complete classical system of Wing Chun and maybe eventually also teach or for those students who would like to round out their martial arts experience and train concepts found in other arts.
Level three basically covers the Wing Chun third form, the wooden dummy, the butterfly knife form and fighting, the spear or pole form and fighting, the basics of Filipino stick and knife fighting, the basics of Tai Chi combat,the basics of street grappling and counters, basic sparring drills, lessons in how to teach and the theory and philosophy of the entire art.