


The Global Wing Chun Academy welcomes everyone, regardless of what level they’re starting at.

Here, it’s all about the individual’s journey, so you only have to live up to your own standards. Get ready to have fun and get fit on your own terms. Join us today.

We accept students age 14 and up. Our classes are divided into levels. we have three levels of achievement.

The first level: is to learn the basic 108 movement form called the “Little Idea Form.” This form teaches 18 basic hand techniques for defence and a variety of hand techniques for attack. The 108 movement form is what even top bodyguards in Hong Kong learned.

The 108 form builds a strong punch, a firm stance and proper relaxation to achieve fast fluid motions with devastating short range power.

The “Little Idea Form” is what any serious Wing Chun practitioner trains on a daily basis. when this form is good then it is very easy to learn the rest of the Wing Chun system.